Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Indie Handmade Businesses of Indianapolis...UNITE!

check it out ladies and gents. we've got an operation running in our town now.

The first Craft Mafia™ was founded in 2003 by nine crafty businesswomen in Austin, TX. The group originally came together through a shared love for craft, DIY ethics and mutual respect. As the Craft Mafia™ developed it became a forum for networking, promotion and shared ideas. Since it's development in Austin, other Mafias have popped up across the globe. Founded in October of 2008, Indy is the newest member of the family.

The Austin Craft Mafia™ established the Craft Mafia™ site and network to link and cross-promote sister groups in other cities, share web traffic, and provide helpful information to other professional craft designers and groups.

The Craft Mafia™ is an organization of independent business owners who represent multiple creative disciplines in fashion, jewelry, handmade goods, fine art, writing and craft design. The Craft Mafia™ serves as a model for independent business owners to assemble with other entrepreneurs in their own communities to amplify their individual vision through the power of a collective. The Craft Mafia™ offers resources for small businesses through their website, books and television. The Craft Mafia™ website represents and links to all affiliated groups that have adopted the Craft Mafia™ name.

The Indy Craft Mafia will utilize monthly meetings, commercial fairs, juried shows, workshops and social events to encourage and promote local artisans and crafters, foster a sense of community and lines of communication between independent business owners, and pass on techniques to a new generation of crafters.

If you are interested in learning more, we are having our first meeting on Sunday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m. (location information coming soon). Everyone is welcome at the first meeting to decide if this is a group they would like to commit to. Please check out our website and join us at the meeting to see what we've got to offer!

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